American writer Artie Knapp is the author of over 40 published Children's Literature works that includes books, videos, stories and poems. In Asia, HarperCollins, Orient BlackSwan, Oxford University Press, and Pearson Education have published many of his children’s stories in course-books that are used in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Dubai and Saudi Arabia. In Japan, The Chart Institute has used Artie’s work for the National Center Test for high school seniors. Additionally, Artie’s stories have been published in numerous magazines and newspapers, as well as online publications. His children’s books include, Little Otter Learns to Swim, published by Ohio University Press, and Stuttering Stan Takes a Stand, which was originally published by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Pediatric Speech Pathology Department, the largest such program in the United States. The book which tells of how a squirrel, Stanley, overcomes being teased and bullied about his stuttering, is endorsed by the International Stuttering Association. Artie is a member of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and graduated from Ohio University.
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Writing children’s literature brings me more enjoyment than any other genre of writing.
An underlying consistency in my work is my use of humor. I can think of no better way
to enhance a child’s interest in reading than by making them laugh. I hope that I do
Artie Knapp
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